Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Recently I've been giving Religion alot of thought. You see im not intirely opposed to religion (although most "isms" are pure bullshit and without logiocal explaination) I just dont like the idea of not being held responsible for the things i do in this life. Good or bad, It seems to me that religious people always blame GOD for their ups and downs. Instead of saying, " I was too drunk to drive. I drove anyway and that shit got me put in jail. My bad." A religious man would take that sentence and fuck it all up and go about it in a goofball- retarded way trying to explain the terrible event as a lesson from god, instead of a lesson about not getting into a car and driving when your shit-faced! Or if something good happened instead of saying, "Well you know i worked my whole life for this and i've made my life all about my business and thats why im the best at it." A religious douchebag would say something about how he couldnt have done it without the "Lords" help and then he would give all the glory to GOD. Not that this is all bad its just that its bullshit. Blaming someone else for the good and bad shit in your life is something a slacker would do. Someone who gets caught with a hooker and blames it on his wife. ( "She just dont do doggie style no more..")
This behaviour should be frowned upon but instead with the religious institutions, not taking responsiblity becomes an everyday thing. Blaming god, jesus, the devil, satan, the school system, video games, movies, comicbooks, harry potter etc. for everything that they cant seem to speak on in a logical fashion.
Anyway i digress, they real issue is this inpending doom thats heading for us all. Religious or not the facts are undeniable. And like everything thats worth taking a look at, it actually makes sense. So when this happens a question then arises... Are the religious people right? IF YOU BELIEVE THE WORLD WILL END SHOULD YOU THEN BELIEVE IN GOD? If there is going to be an end and it seems so close to what is talked about in the bible then is there a GOD? Can you believe that the world will end without believing the bible? Is it then to be taken literally? As in Jesus walking on water, or David and Goliath. How about Genisis? I mean religious folks even try to justify Adam and Eve in a logical way. I mean there are Giants in the Book Of Genisis who have sex with regular people. How is that anatomically possible? And if you were to believe everything in it you'd have to ignore that they've proven that humans have been around for around 100,000 years not 6,000 like the bible states. None of this, "Well i believe in GOD but not the devil" nonsense. Either you believe in Santa Clause or you dont. Either you take the Red pill and follow Alice throught the Rabit hole, or you Take the Blue pill and return to Matrix. But listen to me im rambling again.
The fact is NOONE really knows any of this shit. We all just pretend to know what we're doing here, and lie to each other so we dont look foolish. Every Nagging old lady spreading venom about how shes christian (even though she hates black people) is just locked in the same mind set she had as a child when she bitched about not getting the frosting flower on someone elses birthday cake, and when she told her dad she didnt love him anymore because he would buy her a pony. People are simple minded creatures and so with that in mind, it makes sense we would try to personify something we dont understand and give it personality traits and cultural prejudices that just wouldnt make sense for something ( or someone... im talking to you there christians) that/who is omnipotent.
I know im doing it again. Anyway the point is that the end is coming so it doesnt matter how many hail marys you do or who you decide to pray to( after watching a few George Carlin shows im considering Joe Pesci ) you had better start sharpening your blades.

Actually this whole blog was just an excuse to leave this straight outragous picture of THE END OF DAYS.

Todays Lesson = Everyone on the planet earth is a hypocrite even the ones who admit it.
P.S. Sorry to ruin the end of the story for you but it turns out there is no Santa Claus

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